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4 Tips To Buy Online Safely

4 Tips To Buy Online Safely

4 Recommendations to buy online

Starting from this premise, expert shares 4 simple tips that will help you buy online in a transparent, safe and reliable way.

1. It has the indicated connection

The first thing you should do to take care of yourself when using online stores or shopping apps is to avoid shopping online using a connection to a public WiFi network. The reason is very simple, these open networks are more vulnerable to information theft, because they have few security barriers.

In this aspect, it is best to ensure that our connections to buy online are made through devices with updated antivirus; or tools for detecting malicious software and protecting sensitive information, warns the specialist.

2. Verify seller and site information

Another tip that can help you take care of yourself is to review in detail the information of the store, site or seller. What you should visualize are things like; where it is from, what tax information it provides, address, means of payment, return policy and reviews from other buyers.

A gold example for these recommendations is, for example, Mercado Libre; where you can be guided by the seller’s reputation and more by what previous buyers are saying to protect yourself from scammers and scams.

Paysalhatach also recommends that you avoid offers that arrive in your email or in WhatsApp messages and social networks, because they can take you to unreliable sites. Another way to know that you are in the right place to buy online is to make sure that the site address (URL) begins with “https://”.

Still no https? Almost half of users already respond negatively to the notice of “web not secure”

3. What to do when paying

Other of the most important measures are all the precautions you take before entering the data of your means of payment; so you should check every time you go to pay, that there is a small padlock closed in the browser window and never select the “Remember password” option; this is even more important that you do not do this if you are using a public device or connection. In addition, although it may generate certain anxiety, if the page takes time to advance, do not update it and avoid entering your data again until you verify that the charge has not been made.

4. What to do after buying online

To finish making your payment, the financial security expert recommends confirming and saving the purchase information; this can help in case of any clarification. And always have your receipt at hand. You can also help others by writing your own experience on the online shopping platform you used; take into account that the Mexican buyer is kept informed in this way; and on average they consult 5 sources of information before deciding to buy a product or service, according to paysalhatach.

As the digital ecosystem evolves and online purchases become more daily, having these tips is key, because they become little allies of our cyber security, which allow us to approach eCommerce in a better way, taking care of our finances, while we have a positive experience as consumers.

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